Graduate Profile
The Jewish Educational Center educates students to be Torah Jews in today’s world. Students are imbued with Torah knowledge and dedication to the observance of its commandments; cognizant of their responsibility to the Jewish people, Israel, and society at large; and educated to embrace the primacy of Torah and pursue excellence in all facets of life.
Profile of a Graduate
As per the Mission Statement, JEC’s overarching goal is that graduates should view the world through the lens of Jewish tradition and fully accept the primacy of Torah in all their interactions. As such, this perspective should be reflective in all of the following realms:
Graduates will:
be confident and firm in their beliefs, leading their lives faithfully, consistently, and passionately, constantly striving to increase their awareness of and connection to Hashem through tefillah, the study of Torah, and the integration of mitzvos into daily life;
and be cognizant of their roles as bearers of the Jewish tradition and of their obligation to transmit it to future generations.
Graduates will:
be ethical, charitable, compassionate, respectful, tolerant, and appreciative people;
model the traits of integrity, responsibility, gratitude, humility, kindness, and modesty;
be adaptable, flexible, and resilient;
and possess a strong work ethic.
Graduates will:
draw upon a firm base of knowledge;
possess skills necessary to identify and comprehend multiple perspectives; research, analyze, and synthesize information; reason soundly; and communicate ideas in articulate and nuanced ways;
be curious with an appreciation for learning;
use technology effectively and responsibly;
and be independent, life-long learners.
Social/Emotional Wellness
Graduates will:
recognize and regulate their emotions;
listen empathetically, speak confidently, work collaboratively, and maintain healthy relationships;
possess organizational, time management, and goal-setting skills;
and lead lifestyles that support their physical, emotional, and mental health.
Responsibility for Others
Graduates will:
recognize and respond to the needs of others;
serve as role models within their various communities;
participate in – and even lead -- Jewish and pro-Israel communities;
and demonstrate engaged citizenship and global awareness.